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LINZ, Austria, 20.1.2024 

WHISPER BLOWING - Schaffen wir die Zukunft?

Ein Live-Art Abend in den Salons der Fabrikanten..

mit Katrin Woelger, Clara Hirschmanner, Martha Laschkolnig, Ilona Roth, Boris Nieslony, Iris Mayr, Jakob Lasinger, Jaskaran Anand/trivium, Arshan Edalatkhah, Gerald Harringer, Time´s Up

VIENNA, Austria, 3.2.2024

franzis choice

Objekte: Katrin Woelger

Klarinette: Max Bühlmann

Tonlager in der Alpenmilchzentrale, Viktorgasse 22, 1040 Wien

VIENNA, Austria, deadline 12.2.2024


We have started with the programming for 2024. There is an open call. Regardless of your back- ground, age, or gender, we encourage diverse perspectives and practices within guiding, hosting, performance, dance, music and literature.

MASSIARU, Estonia, 15. - 22.4.2024

MASSIA Spring Assembly

The Spring Assembly is an annually recurring event during which MASSIA conspirators engage in a week of collective plotting and continued building towards self-organisational structures and processes.

somom 2024

In December, Felicitas and I started working on our next research project on the topic of "Disabled Deities" in Italy. We are open to possible collaborations…

Bodø, Norway, 27.7. - 17.8.2024

Cabins of Culture

The Nordland Trekking Trail is a 650km long marked hiking trail that runs along the border between Norway and Sweden. It starts in the north at Bjørnfjell station near Narvik, and extends south through the border areas to Børgefjell National Park on the border with Trøndelag. Along the route are Northern Norway's three largest mountains, Norway's second largest lake, some fifty fishing lakes, a number of glacial massifs and unique natural and cultural landscapes. The route passes through six reindeer grazing districts, five Sami language areas, three national parks and a number of protected areas.   

Along this route, Bodø og Omegn Turistforening, in collaboration with Project The Nordland Trekking Trail and Bodø2024, will organize a joint trip in August 2024, with various artistic events at selected locations along the route. The events will be free and open to everyone, regardless of whether you hike parts of The Nordland Trekking Trail or just a short day trip to the mountains.